In order to expand the skills of the academicians, Malaga Future Club Academy includes in its offer, complementary trainings to the four development programs. These different modules allow footballers to develop their sporting and social performance within a professional academic structure. Our goal is to guide you towards excellence and success in your sports project through our 360° services.



  • Languages

  • Nutrition

  • Image management

  • E-reputation

  • Creation of a sports CV

  • Refereeing

  • Sports sponsoring.


  • Scouting

  • Video Analyst

  • Sports Journalist

  • Coach

  • Physical trainer

  • Mental trainer

  • Player’s agent

  • Sports marketing

  • E-sport

  • Media training


  • First Aid

  • Disability

  • Sustainable development


Our MFC Academy trains you in foreign languages such as Spanish, English, or French in order to prepare you for your professional insertion and anticipate your soccer career. We provide you with excellent academic preparation and an opening to the world through the learning of foreign languages.

Spanish language training is necessary for the young talents who join our soccer academy so that they can understand and evolve quickly in the environment that surrounds them. English classes are also offered to academicians to help them progress in speaking and writing.

Formations Cours de langues étrangères
Formations Media training & E-reputation


Media training sessions help to develop the communication skills of players in public during interviews or other important events for the club. The image of footballers is a current problem that must be controlled and perfectly mastered. Media training allows the player to convey a positive image to all stakeholders, but also to know how to negotiate a contract by promoting his assets and his added value.

Malaga Future Club is at your side to teach you all the codes of communication and master your E-reputation in order to stand out on social networks and during public speaking. You will work on your body language, your language but also the major digital issues related to the world of soccer. Through this module, we hope to enable you to become the club’s ambassador to the media.


To analyze your performance and progress efficiently, we offer video analysis sessions of your game and that of your opponents. Thanks to this module, you can correct yourself tactically and thus improve your individual and collective action. Having a detailed vision of your game quality is essential for a young player in order to drastically improve his sporting and technical weaknesses. Thanks to this visual exercise, you will be able to better understand your difficulties and rebound to reach your maximum potential.

Formations Analyse vidéo
Formations aux 1ers secours


Our MFC Academy wishes to train young soccer players in first aid to prevent the cardiac risks that affect the soccer sector today. In case of an incident during a match or a training session, the players will be able to intervene quickly by adopting the right reflexes to save a teammate or an opponent. We wish to generalize first aid training to all young soccer players to help save lives.


Our MFC academy allows young people to learn about refereeing sports. Through different methods and supports: Practical approach of the laws of the game, practical situation, observation, discovery of new knowledge, the young people will develop their skills to referee an official match and within the framework of the training.
formation arbitrage
Formations aux 1ers secours


Because a sportsman’s CV is not a traditional profile, it is essential to know how to create and write an adapted CV. Indeed, it is impossible to follow the standard advice to create an application. Our MFC academy trains you to create a CV that is really adapted to the world of high level sports, because it is, apart from your sports performance, your best ally to integrate the club or training center of your choice!


We offer a training program specially designed for sports coaches: by combining theory, practice and observation, our teaching aims to inculcate learning processes in order to know how to transmit them through a complete training program.
journaliste sportif


Our MFC academy trains you in sports journalism, teaching young people how to report on sports events of all kinds, with a critical eye. We instill in you a true sports culture, its environment, its rules, the rules of each sport …. The profession is also developing on the web via social networks, websites, magazines, and sports newspapers, we make you benefit from an excellent preparation on all types of support


In the world of professional sports, athletes have advisors to help them manage their image. Through our training module, we will focus on the communication strategy to be implemented in the context of a sports career: communication consulting, business opportunities with brands, media interviews, contract negotiation, event organization, use of social networks …

Formations Analyse vidéo
Programmes préparation physique


The physical trainer is at the service of the athlete. His intervention spectrum is wide: prevent injuries, prepare the body to the effort, maintain and develop the resources of each, learn the methods of recovery, manage the problems related to the overload of training … Thanks to the training module on the sports trainer, you will learn the whole of the sports discipline, and solid knowledge in anatomy, physiology, dietetics ….


The mental trainer helps the athlete to arm himself with courage and endurance for each event: he helps the athlete to control his mind. MFC Académie trains the candidates to increase the determination of the sportsmen and women, their mental aptitudes to face the tests.
At the end of the training, the mental trainer is able to give the athlete the feeling of being able to rest on him. Indeed, as a true professional, the mental trainer brings a technical follow-up but also a solid moral experience.



Good nutrition allows you to increase your physical performance while remaining in good health. It is therefore essential to acquire solid knowledge in dietetics. Our MFC academy offers a complete training on the basics of sports nutrition, the fate of food, the nutrition of the athlete on a daily basis but also during competition.


In the world of sports, sports sponsoring is an important part of the business, as it consists in finding strategic agreements with companies in order to finance events, federations, teams, athletes…
MFC Academy offers you a complete training allowing you to deepen your knowledge in the field of sports economics and marketing, but also to initiate you to the legal notions related to sponsoring contracts, to the management of the commercial relationship and to the negotiation techniques.


Need to know more?
Contact our MFC Football Academy!

You have a sports project and wish to be accompanied by a soccer academy?
Contact us by filling out the form below! Our team will answer you as soon as possible.